A home on the Web for comments, news and more by the artists & friends of RRL -- throw down those mad ideas, yo. And brush up on posting photos, video, links and such. The Blogger program's sky is the limit.
Here's one of my favorite blogs, for the writing, music & art:
Locust St.
enjoy, and post away!
-- Dan A
Art: Roy Lichtenstein, screenprint - now on display (with 76 other rarely seen Roy prints) at Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Just a mini report about the Young Adult Writers who met at the Carriage House last night to be inspired by the artwork on exhibit: Rhonda believes it was a great success. The level of writing was heightened and she attributed it to being at RR. She wrote in an email: It's great to have that little wonderfully alive spot enriching the community!
And Wendy and I got to chit chat a bit!
Good! I look forward to hearing their work.
Oh, by that way, that is me (Dan) since I created this thing,
Another unsolicited comment, this one from Lynne Rusinko of the Community Arts organization. She wrote this in an email that I just now received:
I left the glow of the atrium light of a meeting at CA last night and turned the corner to see lights spill from the Carriage House. It's so nice to see life in the dark.
Today Tyrone Marsh brought his ESL students from Japan to visit the Carriage House. Dan Reidy gave them the tour, so he'll have stories as well. I am going to post some pictures on the website. My favorite moment was when they were reading Derrida da da da in unison. What a response! So Dan A. - your piece passed the Japanese test for interactive art....
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