come one, come all -- it's free for you and Grandma.
Technicolor Trailer Park
This Friday- Oct. 12 @ RRL
7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Redneck glam rock? that's what they call it. here's a few more -- rootsy acoustic and very original anti-neo-alt-whatever? two guys and a girl, three singer-songwriters? guitar, mandolin, bass, melodica, funky garage-sale vintage keyboards and assorted props? improv stories with audience-contributed Mad Libs, all about a young misfit named Stanley? all that and more.
The most fearless band I know.
This kicks off a Friday music series at RRL.
Saturday is Valley Folk's season opener as well, with Adam Miller, autoharp virtuouso. There aren't many of those. Minnie Pearl? pu-leeze and how-dy. June Carter Cash? Love her, rest her soul, but hardly a prodigy. Reese Witherspoon? Zing go the strings of my heart, but she barely knows G, C and D.
There's an admission charge.
And next Friday (10-19), Catherine White will present "Showcase Elmira," with live music, food, spoken word, and performing drag queens! Also free and the showcase gives the public another chance to see the studio tour artists' work. And drag queens.
The very NEXT Friday, Oct. 26, is words by Charlie James and music by Jesse Bennett, who are equally entertaining offstage as on. A Molly Perry Production.
Nov. 1 (a Thursday) is a themed open mic: Labor Songs. Not just old Wobbly songs and field hollers, but those would be cool. Anything goes. Dan A. (which is me) has a clutch of work-related songs from the '80s and '90s. [I was going to do "She Works Hard (For the Money)" but the chords are eluding me.] There will be some other Likeminded Pinkos singing about the Big Boss Man, and a special surprise RRL guest performer.
That's just one little month.
Our humble brick hut is alive with cul-cha.
Please forward this notice to all possibly interested parties. Or invite the parties to our parties. Either way, let's have more parties.
This lineup looks great! Dan, you are the word doctor if there ever was one. Almost sounds too cool for the likes of me...
almost, but not quite, Jan. TTP is fun and original, I think it's going to start things off well. Just wait until you get to see Catherine Joy on Nov. 16. (BTW your events page has her as 'Catherin' literally a la her myspace address.)
Thanks for the kind words. I also hope to record some or all of Labor Songs onto minidisc and maybe even post as a podcast... I'm in DC right now where there's a noncommercial (obviously) labor station, and now thru next Tues, the DC Labor Film Festival. Pretty inspiring.
I just got back from Michael's dorm. Might go see a Feminist Art exhibit tomorrow to see just how much of a feminist I really am. I just hope to get back by Friday afternoon and do a soundcheck.
I also think I like DC as a destination more than NYC right now.
I've always loved DC in the fall - everyone raves about cherry blossoms, but leaves turning color have their own majesty.
I specifically spelled Catherine's name without the e, becaue that was in my notes. So it should have the e? Sorry for the misunderstanding.
See you soon.
well... she spells it without the E only in her myspace URL as "" -- maybe the right way was taken; I dunno.
but her name is Catherine on her posters and such. And I love her posters and such. The theme of the art she does for those is she's always in some kind of peril (from animals or birds or ants or dinosaurs) and her music somehow is there to save her. She's big on personas. I think she's PERFECT for a performer at the studio. I hope others agree.
Hey, Dan, Technicolor Trailer Park was great! I love being that close to a performer - very fun, and very cool. Maybe there's hope for me to attain some coolness factor by osmosis!
I caught a very short interview with someone from Radiohead on Terry Gross yesterday. I think you can download a Radiohead song, and you pay whatever you want for it. Is this a trend? The consumer puts tips in the virtual hat???
Dan R. said he got the new Radiohead album for 2 pounds 45 or something. There was a business article in the S-G last week about major artists abandoning major record labels and Radiohead's pay-what-you-want plan was mentioned. The traditional business models don't work anymore (which is why you see Elvis Costello and Diana Krall in car commercials).
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